Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The "Legend" of General George Custer

General George Armstrong Custer's legend is romantic, glamorous, dashing and mostly arrogant and selfish.
He has one objective - a great decisive victory over the Indians.  Had he lived a long life, perhaps his legend would have more reality into his character which was ruthless and insubordinate when his own goals didn't match his superiors.  He and his entire Calvary never saw that great victory, due to his single-minded and stubborn belief that he was above any authority when it came to Indians.

In 1867, he had his first experience with the Indians in Kansas where he pursued the Sioux and Cheyenne without any orders to do so. Originally ordered to set up a fort at Sturgis, SD, once that that was done, Custer set off on his own after the Indians without any orders.

Custer had a bad reputation among Indians already by invading Indian villages and killing most of them and sending the rest off to prison. For what it is not known...He was thought to have premonitions about his own death and history records it all at the battle of Little Big Horn (called Greasy Grass by the Indians) along with all his men.

His death was sent by smoke signals as far away as Montana and was said "his grave marked a Sioux high point" Somehow Custer was given full West Point honors.

Next time...the towns of the Gold Rush.

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