Thursday, June 17, 2010

Early Bird Catches the Worm...

The first group of Black Hills gold seekers weren't exactly lucky, but it had nothing to do with finding gold.  Met by General Custer, he suddenly decided that it would be profitable to uphold the US Treaty with the Sioux that protected the land as sacred and holy to the Sioux Nation.  If we know anything about Custer, we know that the last thing he cared about was holy and sacred land belonging to any Indian tribe!

With that excuse, Custer sent those first groups of gold seekers packing back to the railroad lines in Cheyene
While the settlers were setting up residence there, Custer was plotting how to go around both the US government and the Sioux to get to the claims that sounds more like the George we know who never was one much for following orders!

The first expedition of gold seekers in the Black Hills was actually led by Lt Warren in 1876 and was stopped by the Sioux 15 miles south of Sundance.  "The smell of the white man ruins buffalo hunting" they were told by a 26 year old medicine man by the name of Sitting Bull...

Next time... a little more of Custer and his history with the Indians of the West.

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