Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Secret is Out

Time passes and it is 1874, almost 25 years since the first gold was discovered in the Black Hills of Dakota without anyone knowing about it.  Then comes General George Custer and his 7th Calvary...

Custer had brought along a group of miners in his pursuit of the Indians in the West.  Miners, who discovered gold in the French Creek in 1874.  A year later, it had become official (what took George so long?) and  in 1875 gold was officially indentified in the Black Hills of Dakota by the government's geologist, Professor Walter Jenney.  After an entire generation of peaceful gold hunting - the secret was out and the Sioux's worst nightmare was about to begin.

By 1876, the "treaty" of the US Government was all but forgotten and the rush for gold was on once again.
Rapid City, Deadwood, Keystone...became filled with gold seekers looking for wealth.

A Chicago newspaper, the Inter-Ocean, broadcast the headlines: "GOLD - The Land of Promise - Glittering Treasure - Found at Last"  One newspaper called it "a real lallapaloozer" before it even begun.  (Where did words like lallapaloozer go? LOL)

There to meet the first group of seekers?  General Custer himself of course, but not exactly as they had planned.

Next time...Custer as the Government.

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