Thursday, September 16, 2010

Ft Benton 1875

Fort Benton Record, February 5, 1875

"Our usually quiet burg was disturbed in its serenity on the night of the 12th through an attempt to murder.
Mr. Moses Soloman, in Company of Mr. Jeff Perkins, proceeded to the saloon of the later to take a drink, as all the other saloons in the area being closed at the time and most folks abed.

Perkins placed a bottle and some tumblers on the counter, reached under the counter and presented a revolver without a word and shot Soloman, the bullet striking him in the right breast. Soloman retreated and endeavored to reach the door and had his hand on the knob when Perkins again fired, the ball striking Soloman in the hand.  In Soloman's attempt to open the door, Perkins fired again but had no effect this time.

By this time, people were aroused and Judge Mills, Mr. Conroy, and Mr. Tillman knocked Perkins down and took the revolver from him.  But for the interference, Perkins would undoubtedly have completed his work. Soloman was carried to his own house and is now under treatment by Dr. W E Turner, USA"


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