Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Cost of Civilization

Lewiston Democrat 1900
"Hale and hearty at the age of 72 years, Mose has been up against the real thing as evidenced by 9 separate gunshot wounds that have left their impression on his person.  One shot went through his lungs, but Mose is none the worse for it.  He figured in many Indian encounters since 1864, all the way from Fort Benton to Fort Peck and from Cypress Hill to the Missouri River.

Now where Mose used to hunt buffalo and trade with the Indians, he crosses the great Judith Basin through barbed wire lanes and growing fields.  Mose has been overtaken by civilization.  The Great Northern spans the Marias River in front of his house, the traffic of a great railway rumbles at his door"

How many of us today know family businesses and homes that have gone the way of the great interstate highways?

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