Saturday, August 22, 2009

Scarcity of Certain Foods

One problem we have here on the frontier is the lack of certain basic foods - like flour to make biscuits or bread. Wheat doesn't grow easily here in these parts, so we make do with corn. My husband says I know "33 ways to fix the stuff".

Corn does makes good hominy johnny cakes, but what I wouldn't do for a loaf of white bread. We save that for holidays and family visits.

For breakfast we usually have corn bread, salt pork and black coffee.
For dinner, wild greens, boiled pork, cold corn bread and beverage. The beverage is set out in an oak barrel from which we ladle out our beverage in a tin cup.
The beverage is actually warm creek water with vinegar and brown sugar. It suffices for everyday use.

Next time nature calls and disaster strikes...

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