Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mr. Zebulon Pike - Explorer

Ironically Aaron Burr's shady activities actually gave the US some benefits in creating interest in new explorations.  In 1805, Wilkinson ordered Lt. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, a young officer under his
command to lead an expedition up the Mississippi River to locate the source, inform the Indians of American sovereignty and warn the Canadian fur men off US soil.  He was also to report on mining activities around the French settlement of Dubuque.   The lead mined there was necessary for making bullets.

On August 9, 1805, Pike started out with 20 soldiers, totally innocent of any plots or schemes.  He inspected the lead mines and fought the Sioux in Minnesota.  They wintered in Little Falls. In December Pike set out with a small party to find the headwaters of the Mississippi.  Only by being given shelter by the Canadians at a trading post was he and his party able to survive being frozen to death.  Pike then ordered the hosts to evacuate US Soil or pay American duties. When Pike was refused he shot down the British flag. 

Pike thought he found the headwaters at Leech Lake, but was mistaken.  He returned to St. Louis in April 1806. 

Next time...Pike goes Southwest
On this Day in History: "On January 14,  1639,  the first constitution in the American colonies, the “Fundamental Orders,” is adopted by representatives of Wethersfield, Windsor, and Hartford in Connecticut.

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