Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Log Cabin Christmas

Reposted from several years ago...some things don't change :)

Such a little house for such a big Holiday!  Family from far and near meet for the Christmas dinner - forgetting the hardships of this long, cold winter.  You can hear the sleigh bells jingling through the fields as they arrive so wrapped up no ones recognizes each other.  They gather around the handmade plank table, safe from the driving chill and snow outside - the wood stove working hard to warm the small home.

In the corner is the tree - oh, what a beautiful tree, freshly cut and brought in last night to decorate.
Mother's rocker temporarily  resigned to another corner to make room.  Strings of popped corn and bright red cranberries wrap it's branches and handmade paper and cookie ornaments fill in the boughs. Underneath the tree a rag doll lays in fresh straw as a reminder of  the Babe born so many years ago.

The scents of pine, cinnamon, cardamon, nutmeg, cloves,'s enough to make mouths water! Homemade applesauce on the stove, the bird in the oven stuffed with sage stuffing...all the food is "home grown" as there are no supermarkets here.  Biscuits with hand-churned butter and fresh cream for the pies! Whipped potatoes, cranberry sauce, rich's a feast for Christmas.

From our simple house so long ago to your house today - a very Merry Christmas!

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