Monday, November 16, 2015

Spain Has Designs on the United States

Spain viewed America's western ambition with determination to obstruct settlement in Kentucky and Tennessee.  Their best weapon was New Orleans which France had turned over to Spain in 1762.  By closing the port Spain could threaten farmers with ruin.  New Orleans was the only outlet to European and American markets.

On June 20, 1784, Spain closed New Orleans and opened talks with the US Secretary of Foreign Affairs, John Jay.  Tempting trading privileges to eastern merchants were offered.  Spain knew they wouldn't care about the frontier people if it meant money in their pockets. Spain demanded America agree to the closing of New Orleans for 25 years.  In Congress seven states voted to accept but it wasn't the nine states needed to pass.

Spain was also busy rousing the Creek, Chickasaw, and Choctaw Indian tribes against American settlers in the South.  Not only did the settlers have Indians to deal with, but also the attitude of the East against them.  One man who saw profit and power in the situation was a man of wealth and influence from Kentucky - James Wilkerson.  Although eastern bred, Wilkerson (who became quite notorious in his lifetime) imagined himself as the president of a new republic of the west.  He believed Spain would be happy to sponsor such a buffer against the United States. More about him later...

Next time - More on James Wilkerson

On this Day in Pioneer History: "On November 16, 1821, Missouri Indian trader William Becknell arrives in Santa Fe, New Mexico, sells his goods at an enormous profit, and makes plans to return the next year over the route that will become known as the Santa Fe Trail.

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