Thursday, December 9, 2010

Belle Starr and Blue Duke

One can never say that Belle Starr was shy!  A Dodge City, Kansas resident during the height of the cattle drives Belle was an accomplished horsewoman with a colorful vocabulary and an even more colorful interest in other people's horses. Something Wyatt Earp as Marshall didn't care for too much..

Ms Starr was married to Blue Duck an Indian, but it was obvious that Belle wore the pants.  When Blue Duck lost $2000 gambling, Belle held up the gambling establishment with a pair of six-shooters and recovered not only the original $2000 lost, but interest to the tune of $5000 additional money as well. 

Belle lead a band of horse thieves in Oklahoma during a windstorm, as the story goes, and when her hat blew off, not a single man in the group stopped to pick it up for her.  Belle wasn't too pleased and pulled out her Colt pistol and screamed at Blue Duck  "Get down there and pick it up you ignorant bastard.  Haven't you got any manners when you're with a lady?"

Perhaps Blue Duck didn't recognize any ladies in attendance :)

Next - The Legend of Mattie Silks

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