Saturday, March 27, 2010

Pioneer Pieces: Virginia City Culture?

Virginia City, Nevada was like any other mining town with its hotels, saloons, fire stations, brothels and residents rising rapidly.  But Virgina City had something the rest of the mining towns didn't - culture.

The best road companies in theater played at Piper's Opera House and the Allambra of Virginia City.  It is recorded that at one time six Shakespearean plays were playing in the city, along with minstrel shows, tent shows, raree shows, and dog and pony shows.

Until 1875, Virginia City a mining town that had grown to 25,000 people, was THE place to be in the Old West.  Celebrities were frequent visitors and nothing was spared to celebrate the riches of Nevada's silver mines.

Next time...what happened in Virginia City in 1875?

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