Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Pioneer Pieces: Gold in Them Hills?

The discovery of gold in Nevada was to change the entire history of the West, finance the Union cause in the Civil War, and make the name "Comstock" a worldwide phrase.

But wait - it wasn't GOLD they found in Nevada, it was SILVER - and silver that wrote the destiny of Nevada (the Silver State, the Hard Money State, the One Sound State).

Let's back up to the beginning for a moment...in 1859, in Washoe Digging (original name of Comstock), a prospector found a heavy, dark ore on his claim on the side of Mt Davidson.  He sent it to his friend, Judge James Walsh of Grass Valley, California.  The judge took it to Ott's Assay Office in Nevada City and the rest, well you know what happens next...

The Judge saddled his horse, loaded his mule with provisions and headed out that very night for western Utah, via Donner Summit.  So far this discovery had been kept a great secret - until morning came and the Judge looked behind him to see the entire town following on his trail. The Silver Rush to Washoe was on...

Next Time...Nevada or Bust

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