Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pioneer Pieces: The Pony Express

In the 1850s all San Francisco residents rode horseback.  In fact, riding horseback into a saloon was considered a gesture of good fellowship!  With no motorized transportation everything depended on the horse, from farming to mail delivery.

The Pony Express ran from Missouri to San Francisco in 13 days - frequent stops and change of horses and riders were necessary.  The Pony Express carried more than mail in those early days though, as the gold and silver being mined in the West had to find its way back to the East and the Pony Express was often weighed down with saddlebags full of gold and silver bouillon that had been made in San Francisco.

Naturally citizens of any culture and means rode by stagecoach rather than horse alone and we'll take a stage coach ride next time...


  1. we are doing a project on the pony express and your blog about it really helps............thanks ur fan

  2. Glad I could help - I used to teach school :) A teacher introduced me to the pioneers in 3rd grade and I have been a fan myself ever since :)


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