Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pioneer Pieces: The West via Panama

Pioneers could reach the West by a shorter route than overland across the Great Plains and mountains - through Panama.

Like the riverboat steamers, the accommendations were crowded, "rough" and even dangerous for those eager to reach the gold in California. As most found out, the trip west via Panama was not shorter at all.

The boats could only go so far before the passengers had to switch to mules to complete their journey. What a surprise that must have been to those pioneers! And we thought the trip by Conestoga wagon was hard!

There is a little known fact about this trip by Panama to reach the American West - law enforcement.
At the point where the boats stopped and the mules began, violence had erupted and become quite a problem for pioneers and their families. Seems a group of vigilantes, headed by Wells Fargo agents, were organized to eliminate this problem.

In fact, one Randy Runnels was brought in from Texas and given basic carte blanche plus any money he needed to restore order...he didn't need any money. He suspended all trials and reportedly captured and hung 78 highwaymen from the Panama Sea Wall in his first 2 days on the job. Crime abated - any questions??

Next time - Clippers to California

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