Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pioneer Pieces: It's Our Destiny!

In the 1840s the entire nation had one collective thought - Manifest Destiny.  Today we talk about exploring space, universal health care, and immigration.  Our ancestors talked about Manifest Destiny.

The origin of the term came from the editor of the New York Morning News, John 0'Sullivan in 1845, who said "It is our manifest destiny to overspread and possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the great experiment of liberty"

Just as America was realizing the vastness of the Lousiana Purchase, O'Sullivan expanded America's minds to include what is now Oregon and California, along with Spanish Mexico.
This included in today's geography: Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, California, Oregon and parts of Texas, a territory greater than the Louisana Purchase 40 years before.

How did America go about realizing O'Sullivan's Manifest Destiny?  Next time we will begin the journey...

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