Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Wagon Master/Captain

Wagon Trains without a master or captain would have been like any group without order - chaos. So before our journey begins, a wagon captain must be chosen. For most wagon trains, like ours, a single wagon captain and a couple of "deputies" was all that was required, although there is record of complete governments created for a single wagon train.

The wagon captain was responsible for most decisions on the trail - from when the started, when the train stopped, and where it stopped. His was the choice of where the train would set up camp for the night. His was the consequences for disputes and "trouble" between the members of his train.

To that end, each wagon captain assigned each family wagon a specific spot in the order of the train, and saw to it that each time the wagon train stopped and started the order was kept as assigned. Even the placement of each wagon in the nightly campfire circle was pre-determined by the wagon captain.

Obviously the wagon master was a sort of mayor, keeping order and assigning order.
He was not always well though of after the journey came to an end, but he was usually elected prior to the trip by popular vote.

We take our place in line and the wagon train set out - wheels slowly creaking along and by the end of the day we will have covered between 10 and 15 miles. A good first day.

Next time we make our first stop along the trail...

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