Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Conestoga Wagon

Before we take off on our westward adventure, we need to make some important choices - the first being our wagon, our means of transportation. If we were wealthy enough, we could ride horses and just take a wagon for our supplies, but since we are of average means, we will use our wagon for both transportation and storage. Since we are budget minded, we will not be purchasing a new wagon at a cost of $60 to $90, but will be using our own farm wagon which we will modify to make the trip.

All Conestoga Wagons, aka Prairie Schooners, had several common features, whether purchased new or adapted from common farm wagons.

1. It has to be light enough to be able to be pulled by our team.
2. It has to be strong enough to make the trip at all under wilderness conditions and to carry up to 2500 pounds. (Most wagons are made of hardwoods - maple, hickory or oak for that purpose.)
3. It has to have a canvas or cotton covering, waterproofed with linseed oil that will protect us from the weather and afford us a bit of privacy on our long journey by pulling the drawstrings at each end. We will keep the end open during the day to allow for air circulation. The canvas is pulled over and supported by hickory bows shaped in arcs over the wagon. Our women have added extra storage by sewing pockets into the insides of the canvas~
4. The wagon itself will means a meer 10 to 12 feet long and just 4 feet wide.
5. Iron was used only for certain parts like the axles because of the added weight of iron.

Some things which we will discover on the way about our means of transport will not endear us - since there are no springs on the wagon, the ride will be a rough and uncomfortable journey. The wagon, due to it large wheels has limited maneuverability and the wooden wheels were not so good on the long haul as on the farm. We will have to replace them along the way, even sacrificing a piece of furniture in order to continue our journey.

Add to that the fact that with all our household goods inside, there won't be much room for people. Most of us will walk, with the exception of the small children, the sick or pregnant women. We can not afford the luxury of horses to ride.

Next time we will pack our wagon before we head out for the west...

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