Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pioneer Pieces Intro

Wow! I can't believe I am doing this again :) For the last 10 years or so, I maintained a website called "Cooking on the Prairie" and then a newsletter on "Household Hints in the 1800s" I gave them both up due to time restraints, but I missed researching and feeding my love of the Pionner period in American History. So--here we are back again on a blog.

How did I get into this whole pioneer thing? I have been a fan ever since I was in 3rd grade and my teacher created a whole unit on the Little House book - "Little House in the Big Woods". We did everything from churn butter to parch Indian corn. It was so much fun that I have followed the pioneers ever since.

I hope you enjoy looking back a 150 years into our history and discovering that these men and women were indeed pioneers as well as strong and tough in ways you and I today could never dream of.

Feel free to comment on any post as long as it is topic related. Any blatant advertisements will be banned from posting. Family friendly material only and with proper "netiquette" please.

So put away your modern conveniences and come with me on a historical journey into the "good old days"!


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